
Political Problem, Political Solutions
Corporate Control
excerpted from the book
The Problem of the Media
U.S. Communication Politics in
the 21st Century
by Robert W. McChesney
Monthly Review Press, 2004, paper

Political Problem, Political Solution
The political nature of the problem of the media in democratic
societies is well-known; virtually all theories of self-government
are premised on having an informed citizenry, and the creation
of such an informed citizenry is the media's province. The measure
of a media system in political terms is not whether it creates
a viable democratic society-that would be too much of a burden
to place upon it. Instead, the measure is whether the media system,
on balance and in the context of the broader social and economic
situation, challenges antidemocratic pressures and tendencies
or reinforces them. Is the media system a democratic force? Much
less understood is the importance of the media to economics; this
relationship with economics goes a long way toward shaping the
media's political role and their relationship with the dominant
political and economic forces in society. In the United States
the starting point for grasping the problem of the media is seeing
where the media system fits in the broader capitalist economic
system. The crucial tension lies between the role of the media
as profit-maximizing commercial organizations and the need for
the media to provide the basis for informed self-government. It
is this tension that fuels much of the social concern around media
and media policy making.
The more democratic a society, the more likely the decisions about
how best to regulate social life will be the result of widespread
informed debate. The less democratic a society, the more likely
those decisions will be made by powerful self-interested parties
with a minimum of popular participation.
This dispute, then, is not about whether
the market is the natural manner to organize media-and all of
social life for that matter. It is about whether the market is
the superior means, or a superior means among others, to regulate
media. Just as capitalism is not the "natural" social
system for humanity, so commercial media are not Nature's creation
either. Our social system and our media system both require aggressive
and explicit government activity to exist. Media policy, then,
is a far broader and more significant historical phenomenon than
that found in the conventional wisdom, which depicts it as something
inherently tedious drawn up by bespectacled policy wonks and government
bureaucrats addressing obscure technical issues. To the contrary,
the U.S. media system-even its most "free market" sectors-is
the direct result of explicit government policies and in fact
would not exist without those policies. Most dominant media firms
exist because of government-granted and government-enforced monopoly
broadcasting licenses, telecommunication franchises, and rights
to content (a.k.a. copyright). Competitive markets in the classic
sense are rare; they were established or strongly shaped by the
So the real struggle is over whose interests
the regulation will represent ...
In 1996 the Telecommunications Act eliminated the cap on the number
of radio stations a single company could own nationally. It had
been 40 prior to that, and for decades it had been much lower
than that. Radio, it was said, was now "deregulated."
The vast majority of U.S. radio stations were sold after 1996
and a few massive firms came to dominate the industry. Clear Channel
alone soon owned more than 1,200 stations. So does it make sense,
as is regularly proclaimed, to depict radio broadcasting as deregulated
or is it simply regulated differently for different ends serving
different interests? For a test of the deregulation hypothesis,
one need only go out and commence broadcasting a signal on an
AM or FM frequency used by an existing broadcaster. Immediate
arrest and possible incarceration would result. That is serious
regulation. The government is still granting monopoly licenses
to radio and TV channels and still enforcing those monopoly licenses.
It is not open season for anyone to begin using the airwaves.
The only difference the Telecommunications Act made is that today
the largest corporations can possess more of these monopoly licenses
than they could before. (It is worth noting that these firms do
not pay the government a single penny for the right to have monopoly
access to these valuable and scarce channels of the publicly owned
spectrum.) There is every bit as much regulation by the government
as before, only now it is more explicitly directed to serve large
corporate interests.
The writings of Jefferson and Madison attest to the distinct social
function of the free press. Jefferson, in particular, saw freedom
of the press as the foundation of popular democracy and as protection
against elite rule. "If once they [the people] become inattentive
to the public affairs," he wrote his friend Edward Carrington,
"you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors,
shall all become wolves." Ironically, Jefferson's letter
to Carrington is sometimes taken as arguing that the government
should let private interests rule the press and let the chips
fall where they may. Here is the most cited passage, but I include
the follow-up sentence, which is sometimes omitted. "The
basis of our governments being the opinion of people," Jefferson
wrote, "the very first object should be to keep that right;
and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government
without newspapers, or newspapers without government, I should
not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean
that every man should receive those papers, and be capable of
reading them." The implication of this final sentence is
that it is not enough to negatively protect the press system.
Active promotion is necessary to ensure universal distribution
of public information to competent citizens. In other words, the
public's right to hear a variety of voices and properly digest
their messages is the central platform of a democracy. On another
occasion, Jefferson remarked, "An enlightened citizenry is
indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic."
As Madison famously put it, "A popular Government without
popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue
to a Farce or a tragedy or perhaps both." And such a free
press, they argued, came as the result of explicit government
policies and subsidies that would Late it; to think otherwise
was nonsensical.
In the Supreme Court's seminal 1927 Whitney v. California case,
Justice Brandeis concluded: "Those who won our independence
believed that the final end of the State was to make men free
to develop their faculties; ... that the greatest menace to freedom
is an inert people; that public discussion is a political duty;
and that this should be a fundamental principle of American government.
" Jefferson and Madison live, even if it appears at times
that they are on life support.
1945 Press v. U.S. case, [Supreme Court Justice Hugo] Black defended
the government's right to regulate media ownership: "The
First Amendment, far from providing an argument against application
of the Sherman Act, here provides powerful reasons to the contrary.
That Amendment rests on the assumption that the widest possible
dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources
is essential to the welfare of the public, that a free press is
a condition of a free society .... Freedom to publish means freedom
for all and not for some."
Two distinct interpretations of the First Amendment for media
have emerged over the course of the twentieth century. In the
realm of broadcasting, the progressive interpretation holds; in
1969 the Supreme Court ruled in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC
that the First Amendment is a social right of the entire population
to have a radio and television system that best serves its democratically
determined needs. The First Amendment privileges of the commercial
broadcasters are secondary and they must meet publicly determined
public -interest standards to keep their monopoly broadcasting
licenses. With regard to print and most other media, the commercialist
position is increasingly influential and treats the First Amendment
as a license for the media to do as they please. A concerted campaign
by progressives in the Meiklejohnian tradition to extend the social
interpretation of the First Amendment from broadcasting to newspapers
in the 19705 failed in the 1974 case Miami Herald v. Tornillo.
Since then, commercial broadcasters have been working the court
system to see that they get accorded the same First Amendment
privileges as other media. That would, in effect, privatize the
broadcast spectrum, remove broadcasting from public control, and
constitute a gift of tens, even hundreds of billions of dollars
in public property to a small number of large private firms.
The value of monopoly licenses to scarce broadcast channels, monopoly
cable TV franchises, and copyright protection all granted and
enforced by the government and all provided at no charge to commercial
interests-runs into the hundreds of billions of dollars. This
is no "natural" free market. It is a market created
and shaped by the government.
[The Communications Act of 1934] made it clear that government
monopoly rights to broadcasting and telecommunication licenses
were to be granted with the condition that the commercial recipient
serve the "public interest." In theory, recipients of
these licenses were not to be regarded as pure profit-motivated
firms but rather as public service firms. Broadcasters were therefore
required to include some programming they would have ordinarily
avoided if they were strictly profit-maximizing, and it was this
less commercially viable public service programming that justified
their possession of the valuable monopoly broadcast license. Cable
TV systems, in a similar manner, were expected to make concessions
to the public interest to justify their monopoly franchises, usually
by setting aside channels for public access and noncommercial
The FCC did place some regulations on commercial broadcasters.
The most notable public service requirement was the Fairness Doctrine
... required commercial broadcasters to give ample time to matters
of public importance and to provide a range of viewpoints on controversial
issues .
Today public service has degenerated into tragicomedy. By 2002,
a study revealed that much of the do-gooder "public service"
advertising-all that remained of broadcasters' public service
activity-was relegated to the "wee hours of the night,"
when audiences were minuscule and it was impossible to sell much
commercial advertising anyway. An October 2003 survey of local
TV stations in six markets determined that less than one-half
of 1 percent of the programming went toward covering local public
affairs, despite the fact that commitment to "localism"
is considered a primary mechanism for broadcasters to serve the
public interest. The survey concluded: "There is a near blackout
of local public affairs."
"We're not in the business of providing news and information,"
Clear Channel CEO Lowry Mays told a business publication in 2003...
We're simply in the business of selling our customers' products.
... the FCC eliminated the Fairness Doctrine in the 1980s, invoking
the most eloquent phrases from the opinions of Supreme Court Justice
William 0. Douglas to do so. (Ironically, Douglas himself was
a strong proponent of broadcast regulation in the public interest.)
8 Everyone from broadcasters to cable companies to advertisers
claimed that any regulation of their affairs violated their First
Amendment rights.
Neoliberalism simply reduces or eliminates the idea that government
should represent the public interest vis-à-vis the corporate
interest. There is no longer a meaningful conflict between the
public and the corporate sector-public service is bunk-so politicians
and regulators can serve corporations with impunity.
The corruption in media policy making
culminated in the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act,
arguably one of the most important pieces of U.S. legislation.
The law rewrote the regulatory regime for radio, television, telephony,
cable television, and satellite communication-indeed, all of electronic
communication including the Internet. It laid down the core values
for the FCC to implement for generations. The operating premise
of the law was that new communication technologies combined with
an increased appreciation for the genius of the market rendered
the traditional regulatory model moot. The solution therefore
was to lift regulations and ownership restrictions from commercial
media and communication companies, allow competition in the marketplace
to develop, and reduce the government's role to that of protecting
private property. There was virtually no dissent whatsoever to
this legislation from either political party; the law sailed through
both houses of Congress and was signed by a jubilant President
Clinton in February 1996.
A 2000 study by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity
revealed that the fifty largest media firms and the four media
trade organizations spent $111 million on lobbying between 1996
and 2000, and the number of media-related lobbyists increased
from 234 to 284. In the same time span, media firms paid for 118
members of Congress and their senior staff to take 315 junkets,
with a total value of $455,000. Rep. Billy Tauzin, chair of the
House Commerce Committee that oversees the FCC, was the champion
recipient of corporate largesse. He and his staff accounted for
fully 42 of the junkets, and, in 1999, Tauzin and his wife enjoyed
a six-day $18,910 junket to Paris courtesy of Time Warner and
Instinet. Tauzin's daughter Kimberly worked as a lobbyist for
the NAB in the late 1990S as well. This might have been purely
coincidental, but Tauzin became the number-one promoter of corporate
media interests in Washington during these years, with a slavish
devotion to their cause. And he was not alone. Between 1993 and
2000 the same corporations gave $' million in campaign contributions
to candidates for federal office and spread the money to politicians
on both sides of the aisle.
Corporate Control
Arguably the weakest feature of U.S. professional journalism has
been its coverage of the nation's role in the world, especially
when military action is involved. Again, relying on official sources
is the main culprit. Journalists who question agreed-upon assumptions
by the political elite stigmatize themselves as unprofessional
and political. Most major U.S. wars over the past century have
been sold to the public on dubious claims if not outright lies,
yet professional journalism has generally failed to warn the public.
Compare the press coverage leading up to the Spanish-American
War, which is a notorious example of yellow journalism-before
the advent of professional journalism-to the coverage leading
up to the 2003 Iraq war and it is difficult to avoid the conclusion
that the quality of the reporting has not changed much.
When criticism gains prominence in the
news media regarding a U.S. war, the change in coverage almost
always reflects a split among the elite, as was the case with
Vietnam and, more recently, Iraq during the occupation. Moreover,
journalists have internalized the elite assumption that the United
States is invariably a force for good in the world, determined
to bring freedom and democracy to the planet. Even dissenting
coverage in mainstream journalism tends to accept this assumption.
Similarly, journalism believes in the inherent right of the United
States, and the United States alone, to invade almost any nation
it chooses. Debate over whether a specific invasion is appropriate
on strategic or tactical grounds might result, but the fundamental
right to invade is usually off-limits to critical analysis. After
all, it is a view shared across the spectrum of U.S. policy elites.
Woeful press coverage of the U.S. role
in the world has grave consequences for everyone. Perhaps the
most important issue for any society to decide is whether to go
to war, to put people to death. The Supreme Court recognizes the
special responsibility of the media in this regard. As Justice
Potter Stewart wrote in his opinion on the Pentagon Papers case,
"In the absence of governmental checks and balances present
in other areas of our national life, the only effective restraint
upon executive policy and power in the areas of national defense
and international affairs may lie in an enlightened citizenry-in
an informed and critical public opinion which alone can here protect
the values of democratic government. "53 The press is granted
privileges in exchange for providing this democratic service,
although it is not apparently accountable to anyone to deliver
on its / end of the bargain.
... many of the twentieth-century's finest journalists-Ben Bagdikian
George Seldes, A. J. Liebling, I. F. Stone, Jessica Mitford, David
Halberstam, Bill Moyers, and William Greider-have been among its
foremost media critics.
In the current commercially stripped-down climate, professional
reliance upon official sources as the basis for news-always a
problem has become debilitating. It is increasingly rare that
reporters bother to determine who is telling the truth when official
sources disagree on the facts. Investigating factual disputes
takes time and could cast the pall of bias over the journalist,
depending upon whom the findings favored. When, for example, in
2002 Democrats criticized Halliburton for not paying taxes under
Dick Cheney's leadership, the press ran the charges and Halliburton's
denial. Few journalists, in the professional mainstream press
at least, appeared to determine who was telling the truth. This
environment becomes a scoundrel's paradise in which officials
can lie with virtual impunity; and officials' opponents, not journalists,
must establish the truth, and such opponents can always be dismissed
as partisan. "Bound by professional strictures, news reporters
can wind up giving a lie the same weight as the truth," David
Greenberg warns. In such an environment "raising questions
of truthfulness can seem awfully close to taking sides in a partisan
debate." Frustrated journalists hungry for the muckraking
mantle merely zero in on politicians' lies about personal matters
because "here, the press can strut its skepticism without
positioning itself ideologically." As Greenburg concludes,
the "current rules end up encouraging media hysteria about
personal lies of scant importance and deterring inquiry into topics
that matter incalculably more ."8 "The nation's media,"
a Washington Post reporter acknowledged in 2003, "have yet
to find a clear and effective way to report incorrect impressions
and untruthful statements, particularly those that emanate from
the White House .... Journalists are notoriously reluctant to
use the word 'lie' when describing the statements of public officials.
Today journalists are far more comfortable
casting political debate facts.
... the corporate news media have a vested interest in the corporate
system. The largest media firms are members in good standing in
the corporate community and are closely linked to it through business
relations, shared investors, interlocking directors, and common
political values. This status pushes the news media, as Tom Shales
put it, to "paint as rosy a picture of the economy as possible."
It encouraged the press coverage of the corporate political scandals
of 2001 and 2002 to revert to a "crisis management mode"
in which the structural and institutional determinants of the
corruption remained unexamined and unexposed
In a piece outlining the chummy connection between the relevant
members of Congress responsible for overseeing the investigation
of corporate fraud with the very industries most likely to be
engaged in crime, Ivins concluded, "They've already called
off the reform effort; it's over. Corporate muscle showed up and
shut it down.
Bottom line: It's all going to happen
again. We learned zip from our entire financial collapse. Our
political system is too bought-off to respond intelligently. "171
The economist Mark Weisbrot captured the irony of the situation:
"Our Congress and the executive branch have become so corrupted
by our system of legalized bribery-political campaign contributions-that
they cannot even enact positive reforms that are desired by most
of the business class."
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