excerpts and quotations from the book

America Besieged

by Michael Parenti

City Lights Books




... we are ... a nation besieged, not from without but from within, subverted not from below but from above. The moneyed class exercises a near monopoly influence over our political life, over the economy, the state, and the media.


... stop blaming the powerless and the poor and , in that good old American phrase, start " following the money." Let's keep our eye on who has too much of the real power in this country. That is the first and most important step toward lifting the siege and bringing democracy back to life.



Many Americans know very little about other countries and the destruction wrought by U.S. ruling elites abroad.



... a president's primary commitment abroad is not to democracy as such but to the global "free market."


... the president must present himself as a "man of the people" while quietly serving those who control the wealth and power of the country.


... the president plays a dual role in that he must satisfy the major interests of corporate America and high finance and at the same time make a show of serving the public.


The success any group enjoys in winning presidential intercession has less to do with the justice of its cause than with the place it occupies within the class structure.


... during times of crisis, such as war, we hear that we must have faith in our leaders, for they are the ones who will see us through. What is overlooked is that they are likely the ones who created the crisis and should be held accountable for their actions.


It is the essence of democracy that we not trust and not have faith in our leaders. Democracy is a system built on distrust. That is why-when a close approximation of it works-we get real debate, investigation, exposure, and accountability. At the heart of all procedural democracy is the idea that we must watch leaders closely, question them sharply, demand to see the documents, look for differing explanations, and pursue open debate about policies, before, during, and after elections.



With the exception of a small group of Democratic progressives in the House of Representatives (numbering about fifty) and a few progressives in the Senate, both political parties in Congress are committed to the preservation of an untrammeled giant corporate economy, huge military budgets, and the funneling of public monies through private conduits in order to bolster business profits. With relatively few exceptions, both are committed to the use of repression against opponents of the big business structure, the defense of the multinational corporate empire, armed intervention against social revolutionary or nationalist elements abroad, and the transfer of sovereign power to international business oligarchs under NAFTA and GATT - all at great cost to the life chances of people at home and abroad.


Whatever their differences, the two major political parties collude in maintaining their monopoly over electoral politics, and discourage the growth of progressive third parties. All fifty states have laws that are written and enforced by Democratic and Republican officials, regulating and frequently thwarting third-party access to the ballot.


... Americans would balk at seeing any particular religious denomination designated the state religion, to be favored by law over all other religions. Indeed, the First Amendment of the Constitution explicitly forbids governmental establishment of any religion. Yet we have accepted laws that, in effect, make the Democrats and Republicans the official state parties, a rigged two-party monopoly and this at a time when they are less popular than ever.

... The very system of representation discriminates against third parties. The single-member-district, winner-take-all plurality elections used throughout most of the United States, tend to magnify the strength of major parties and the weakness of smaller parties. Winner-take-all means the party that polls a plurality, be it 40, 50, or 60 percent, wins 100 percent of a district's representation with the election of its candidate. The smaller parties, regardless of their vote, receive zero representation, thus suffering a higher percentage of wasted or unrepresented votes. The minor parties invariably win a lower percentage of seats, if any, than their actual percentage of votes.


Proportional representation (P.R.) is the most popular voting system in the world.


... in countries that have P.R. there is a broader choice of parties, a higher rate of participation, and greater representation of various groups.



There is no social formation more profoundly immoral than a big capitalist corporation. It operates without any scruples and will try to get away with whatever it can.


The savings-and-loan conspiracy ... cost us [Americans] more than all the burglaries, bank robberies, and other grand-larceny street crimes in all of America over the past half-century.


The corporate-owned media give far less exposure to corporate crimes than to street crime.


Long ago, the Supreme Court created one of its legal fictions by proclaiming corporations to be "persons," entitled to all the rights and privileges of other persons. Nothing in the Constitution supports this strange notion. It is nothing more than a legal fiction to shield directors and chief executive officers from personal responsibility for their crimes-which is why so few of them ever land in jail.


The military is one of the great sinners of our society, although we would never know it, given the esteem and praise heaped upon the armed forces. Military facilities are among the worst environmental violators.... Furthermore, the cost of the war machine makes beggars of us. It seems there is not enough money to help handicapped children and impoverished families, but there is enough for a huge defense budget, the largest single item in the federal budget, allowing the military brass to enjoy a very good life indeed with its officers clubs, golf courses, polo fields, huge salaries, and fat pensions.

The military budget is loaded with bloated contracts, padded cost overruns, and other lavish giveaways to profit-hungry defense firms. The sinners who benefit from all this are the arms profiteers and military brass. The victims are those who perish when bridges and tunnels collapse, the children jammed into overcrowded classrooms, those who go homeless and hungry or who cannot find affordable medical care, and the rest of us who wonder how we can pay all these taxes for missiles, corporate subsidies, and S&L bailouts and still make ends meet. A war machine that is so expensive as to deprive most of us of some modicum of economic security, sapping our ability to improve the life chances of millions of our most vulnerable citizens-such a war machine is a sinful social formation.

What does the military do with all that money? It spends generously upon itself. It wastes billions in corruption and mismanagement. But most of all, it constructs a technology whose goal is to intimidate and subdue people around the world and, if necessary, kill many of them so that their lands and labor can be better put at the disposal of rich owners and foreign investors. The manner of killing has been diluted by the technology-along with the sense of sin. When someone is killed on the street with a gun, it is called murder. But when the killing is performed by long-range missiles or high-altitude jet bombers, the screams are not heard, the mangled bodies are not seen, and sin is not only easily denied but is hailed as a patriotic virtue. Medals are awarded, flags are waved, and greater sums are voted for new weapons systems. ~

Reality is turned on its head. Aggressive war is called defense. Imperialism is called maintaining our way of life. U.S.-supported death-squad fascism has been used to defend economic privilege in El Salvador, Guatemala, and dozens of other countries, and is called protecting democracy from communism or terrorism.


We need to expand our understanding of sin, and for that matter, virtue, moving from personal piety and interior experience to the realm of social evil and social virtue.


Personal piety and worshipful proclamations are nice enough, but the really virtuous people in this world are those who work for social justice. They are fighting sin on a grand scale.



Free-market conservatives are hostile toward any sector of the economy that performs important social services on a nonprofit basis. Be it libraries, hospitals, schools, colleges, transit systems, or public retirement and disability plans, such services are living demonstration that important human needs can be met collectively in the public sector, without anyone making a profit from them. This is in direct conflict with capitalism itself, which is dedicated to organizing all human activities, all labor and all consumption, in such a way as to maximize the capital accumulation of the owning class. So corporate America and its conservative acolytes in the press and in academia push hard to privatize-and in effect reduce or eliminate-every public service, especially those human services that serve the ordinary public rather than the big corporations.



Within the government there exists what some hay: called "the national security state." It consists of the president, the secretaries of State and Defense, the National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous intelligence agencies. The national security state often operates like an unaccountable sovereign power of its own. Its primary function is to defeat political forces that seek alternatives to capitalism at home or abroad or that try to introduce any seriously reformist economic policies, even within the existing capitalist framework.


U.S. intelligence agencies have perpetrated terrible crimes against the peoples of other nations. In countries like Guatemala, Greece, Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Argentina, Zaire, Haiti, and the Philippines, U.S. national security forces have used military intervention, terror, sabotage, bribery, propaganda, and political disruption to bring down populist or democratically elected governments and install regimes that better suited the needs of global investors, including reactionary dictatorships of the worst sort.

Countries that embarked upon popular revolutions, such as Nicaragua, Mozambique, and Angola, found their economies and peoples devastated by the mass-murder assaults of U.S.-supported mercenary armies. The CIA has sabotaged and stolen elections abroad, waged massive disinformation campaigns, and infiltrated and fractured the trade-union movements of other nations. It has funded and trained secret armies, paramilitary forces, torture squads, and death squads, and pursued destabilization and assassination campaigns against labor, peasant, religious, and student organizations in numerous nations. Jesse Leaf, an ex-CIA agent active in Iran, reported that CIA operatives instructed the Shah's secret police on interrogation "based on German torture techniques from World War II" and that the torture project was "all paid for by the USA" (New York Times, Jan. 7, 1979).



Officials and operatives of repressive right-wing governments and almost any anticommunist emigre departing from a communist country-including persons who just want to pursue more lucrative careers in the United States-have gained easy entry as visitors or permanent residents. Over the years these have included former Nazis from Germany, Nazi collaborators from Eastern Europe, and Vietnamese, Nicaraguan, Cuban, and Afghani right-wingers and erstwhile terrorists.

In contrast, the victims of rightist procapitalist regimes, fleeing political repression in El Salvador, Haiti, Chile, and other U.S.-sponsored client states, have been denied entry and deported back to their countries, often to face jail and death. This seeming inconsistency has an underlying logic: rightists are allowed into the country and leftists are not because the Left generally opposes the capitalist class order, while the Right supports it. In fact, that is the major differentiation between Right and Left.


The fascist threat [in the U.S.] comes not from the Christian Right or the militias or this or that grouplet of skinheads but from the national security state itself, the police state with the state.



We often think that the United States is free of the political murders and terrorism that characterize other countries. Think again. From 1968 to 1971, in a series of unprovoked attacks in more than ten cities, coordinated with the FBI, police raided the headquarters of the Black Panther Party (a Marxist revolutionary organization), wrecking offices, smashing typewriters, stealing thousands of dollars in funds, and arresting, beating, and shooting the occupants. At least thirty-four Panthers were murdered by police in that period, including Chicago leader Fred Hampton, who was shot while asleep in his bed.

Through much of the 1970s, a paramilitary "peacekeeping" force, established by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs under FBI direction, carried out a terrorist campaign on the Pine Ridge Reservation that was directly responsible for hundreds of assaults and the deaths of more than sixty supporters of the American Indian Movement.



As presented on television, sports in America have little to do with sportsmanship and plenty to do with militarism and the national ego. Instead of bringing nations together, international sports seem to fuel that winning-is-everything mentality, a hostile rah-rah competitiveness that defeats the purpose of international games.


With sports, we need to foster international friendship and the more gracious side of the human spirit. Let us have less chest-thumping and more handshaking, less emphasis on who wins and more on how the game is played. Better a family of nations than a multitude of screaming nationalistic egos.



The military spending binge is the major cause of the nation's $5 trillion national debt, runaway deficits, decaying infrastructure, and high taxes. It has transformed the United States from the world's biggest lender into the world's biggest spender and debtor. To save $2 trillion over the next decade, we should cut the bloated "defense" budget by two-thirds.


Let us end U.S.-sponsored counterinsurgency wars against the poor of the world. The billions of our tax dollars given to corrupt regimes, with their death squads and torturers engaged in every conceivable human rights violation, could be better spent on human services at home.

... Congress should abolish the CIA and drastically cut the budget of other intelligence agencies. Their mandates should be limited to intelligence gathering. Prohibit their violent covert actions within Third World nations and social movements. Expose and end their domestic counterinsurgency programs that attempt to disrupt and demoralize potentially rebellious communities and dissident organizations.


... the ruling interests are profoundly committed to a vision of the world that is ruthlessly exploitative, hegemonic, self-serving, and ecologically unsustainable.



Who are the privileged and powerful ? Those who own the banks, corporations, factories, mines, news and entertainment industries, and agribusiness firms of this country are what is meant by the "owning class" or the "rich." The "ruling elites" or "ruling class" are the politically active portion of the owning class. They and their faithful acolytes and scribes compose the Business Roundtable, the Business Council, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations, organizations started by the Rockefellers, Mellons, Morgans, and other economic royalists. From their ranks are recruited the secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury, national security advisors and CIA directors, and, indeed, U.S. senators, presidents, and vice presidents. For the very top positions of state, the ruling class is largely self-recruiting.


It is often frustrating and sometimes dangerous to challenge those who own and control the land, labor, capital, and technology of society. But, in the long run, it is even more dangerous not to do so.


Popular passivity is the goal of all rulers who seek to preserve their entrenched privileges against the claims of the public. It is what they usually mean by "stability" and "order." The real name of their system is plutocracy, rule by the wealthy few, the very opposite of democracy. In the interest of liberty and social justice, it should be hated and fought, resisted and replaced with a system of ... rigorous democratic protections for public and private well-being


publisher - City Lights Books, 1998
261 Columbus Avenue
Sand Francisco, CA 94133

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