Water page


Water Wars - Vandana Shiva
Resource Wars - The New Landscape of Global Conflict - Michael Klare


Blue Gold - the global water crisis and the commodification of the world's water supply



World Bank, WTO, and corporate control over water - Vandana Shiva
Privatization Tidal Wave - IMF/WorId Bank Water Policies
Water Fallout
Who Owns Water - Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Anatomy of a Deal - World Bank's Plans to Privatize Ghana's Water System
Whose Right to Water?
Bolivian Protesters Win Water War with Bechtel

Bolivia's Second Water War (3/05)
Corporations Tap Public Water - Bottled Water Drains Life-Sustaining Resources (5/06)
Maude Barlow: The Growing Battle for the Right to Water (2/08)
Thirst for Profit: Corporate Control of Water in Latin America (6/09)

Transnational Corporations

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